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June 2023

New commission! This piece will be performed at the Midwest conference in December o

June 2022

Continuing with CCISD, I've been selected to compose all of the region etudes for the intermediate programs within the district. These works will be performed by middle school students for years to come, and I'm thankful of all the work the committee has done to guide me through that journey!

May 2022 (Part 2)

The artist residency at CCISD (League City, TX) ends with performances of 3 composition students who were individually selected by their directors. Each one spent almost six months composing a new work that was premiered at their respective schools; BRAVO!

May 2022 (Part 1)

The artist residency at CCISD (League City, TX) ends with a variety of performances within the district! The performing ensembles are; Creekside Intermediate, Victory Lakes Intermediate, and Clear Springs High School.

February 2022

Titan (Brass Choir) is being performed at TMEA! If you are in the area, come by on Thursday at 11 am and check it out!

*Edit: You can now watch the video of the performance on YouTube. It's under the Media section. 

November 2021


Shoutout to Relevant Tones for a very interesting and engaging interview earlier this month. Listen to it HERE.​ Likewise, check out fellow performer and interviewee Stephen Rawson.

September 2021

MEGA Update

Thanks to the Clear Creek Education Foundation (League City, TX), as well as the grant application filled out by Mr. Thomas Macias, I have been selected to be the Composer in Residence for the Clear Creek Independent School District. On the docket are five commissions; two Brass Choir works, two Middle School Wind Ensemble work, and one High School Wind Ensemble work.

July 2021

Website Update

Well, after not having touched this website in almost two years, everything is updated and modified. I plan on getting some new headshots soon, so the media page may look just a bit outdated. Nonetheless, as of this entry, the website is current!

Coral Sword, Houston, TX

May 2021

espejo sin reflejo

Solo piccolo work featuring Ms. Linda Jenkins! Performed during her residency at Lone Star College, featuring student works from the studio of Martín Quiroga Jr. Full residency video viewable HERE

University of North Texas, Denton, TX

March 2021

espejo sin reflejo

Solo piccolo work featuring Ms. Linda Jenkins! Performed during one of her Doctoral Recitals (live-streamed).

University of North Texas, Denton, TX

August 2020

Origami Butterfly

Performed by Mr. Stephen Rawson during the Access Contemporary Music - Teacher Recital.

Chicago, IL

May 2020

espejo sin reflejo

Solo piccolo work featuring Ms. Linda Jenkins!

***Cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

University of North Texas, Denton, TX

May 2020

Sueño de un tren

Performed by the Dulles High School Percussion Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Arnel Dayrit.

***Cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Dulles High School, Sugar Land, TX

March 2020

Himno a las estrellas

Performed by Ken Pereira (Baritone) and Stephen Rawson (Piano), part of a Guest Artist Series at Lone Star College - Montgomery.

***Cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Lone Star College, Montgomery, TX

July 2019

Fugue in re

Performed by Daryl Robinson during the 2019 Space City New Music Festival.

South Main Baptist Church, Houston, TX

November 2018

El año nuevo

Performed by GRIT Collaborative and Oh My Ears.

Church of the Beatitudes, Phoenix, AR

August 2018

And I Wander Through an Underwater Forest

This work will be performed by Kosuke Hashizume of the Rosetta Contemporary Chamber Ensemble.

Musée Gohki Endo, Japan

July 2018

My #Flickering Nightlight

Written for Wing In Crystal Chu, this work will be performed at the 2018 Space City New Music Festival during the Emerging Artist Series: Crystal Chu & 3G Percussion.

MATCH, Houston, TX, USA

July 2018

Una mariposita tremenda

Written for Linda Jenkins, this work will be performed by Robin Meiksins for her project, 52 Weeks of Flute (Week 28).

YouTube, Chicago, IL, USA

July 2018

Una mariposita tremenda

Written for Linda Jenkins, this work will be performed at the 2018 Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium.

Allen-Aasen Hall, Eugene, OR, USA

May 2018

Una mariposita tremenda

Written for Linda Jenkins, this work will be performed during her Guest Artist Concert with the Oregon Composers Forum.

Beall Hall, Eugene, OR, USA

February 25, 2018

Prelude, Toccata, and Fugue

Written for Carla Lamb, this work will be performed during her Graduate Recital (Masters).

Beall Hall, Eugene, OR, USA

January 30, 2018

Prelude, Toccata, and Fugue

Written for Carla Lamb, this work will be premiered during one of the Oregon Composers Forum Winter Concerts. 

Beall Hall, Eugene, OR, USA

January 20, 2018

Broken #Kaleidoscope

Jamey Kollar will be performing my work in its Houston debut in a concert hosted by Space City Performing Arts.

Rec Room Theatre, Houston, TX, USA

December 2, 2017

Paper Presentation

Alongside Cara Haxo and Evan Harger, we will present on the topic Commissioning, Composing, and Conducting Contemporary Pedagogical Orchestral Music at the University of North Georgia's Research on Contemporary Composition Conference.

University of North Georgia - Dahlonega, Dahlongea, GA, USA

December 1, 2017

Definición de amor

Sospiro, an in-house contemporary ensemble specializing in vocal music at the University of Oregon will be premiering my work Definition de amor, with text by Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645), with illustrations by Andy Ramos.

Beall Hall, Eugene, OR, USA


October 9, 2017

Space City New Music Festival

I have been named Festival Director of 2018 the Space City New Music Festival sponsered by Space City Performing Arts. I'll be coordinating with up to 16 composers, 4 guest artists, and the guest composer Marcus K. Maroney. The festival begins in the second week of July, and will be hosting 4 concerts dedicated to the composers, guest artists, and guest composer.

The MATCH, Houston, TX, USA

June 12, 2017

Graduate School Completed!
After two tumultuous years, I have completed my Masters in Music Composition!

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

February 23, 2017

Graduate Recital in the books
Premieres include; And I Await the Resurrection of the Dead conducted by Brian McWhorter and played by Campus Brass (University of Oregon), PHANTAZY for Cello, And I Wander Through an Underwater Forest for Acoustic Guitar, #Catharsis for Double Bass, and El Año Nuevo for solo performer.

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

March 29, 2015​​

Graduate School
I will be pursuing a Masters Degree in Music Composition (Fall 2015) at the University of Oregon!

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA


April 14, 2014​​

AURA Contemporary Ensemble presents, "Range of Motion"
Come hear the premiere of my work Subluxation #DislocatedShoulder for two pianos! 
Moores Opera House, Houston, TX, USA


April 12, 2014​​

Radio interview with Daniel Webbon
Check out my interview with Daniel Webbon as he asks the hard questions about the premiere of Subluxation #DislocatedShoulder, Monday, April 13!
Click here to listen!

July 10, 2013​

Oregon Bach Festival presents, "New Soundings"
My new work for Violin, Cello, and Piano (a.k.a. Pastiche-ios!) will be performed this evening! Live broadcast available on the interwebs...
Beall Concert Hall, Eugene, OR, USA

June 27 - July 12, 2013

Oregon Bach Festival Composer Symposium

I've been accepted to the OBFCS this year! Looking forward to an awesome two weeks in Oregon!

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA


April 2013

Sarofim Contest Winner!

I'm terribly excited to announce that I am the winner of the 2012 Sarofim competition at the University of Houston! I'm looking forward to finding out what the commission will be!!!

University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA

© Are you seriously reading this copyright thing? 2022 by Martín Quiroga Jr. All Rights Reserved

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